Discover the Magic of Volunteering at EverWild

At the heart of EverWild Forest School, where nature serves as the classroom and curiosity is the guiding force, there's a spirit of transformation that touches the lives of all who enter. This transformation isn't just about children discovering the wonders of the natural world; it's about volunteers like Terry experiencing profound moments of connection, growth, and joy.

As Terry embarked on his journey as a volunteer at EverWild, he quickly realized that the magic of this place lies in the journey itself, not just the daily or weekly activities. What resonated deeply with him was the remarkable progression witnessed throughout the school year among a diverse group of children. He stated, “By the end of the season, they were working together on projects of their own. They weren't pushed or told, they just all melded. It was just nice watching the dynamic of human beings getting along and working together.” These young souls, spanning a wide range of ages, came together in ways that were truly awe-inspiring. This collaboration wasn't forced or guided by adults; it was the organic, harmonious melding of young minds. It was the beautiful sight of human beings coming together, getting along, and working as a united team.

One of the highlights of the EverWild model, as Terry appreciates, is the trust and freedom it grants to the kids. “A lot of the time there was just a lot of freedom and a lot of thinking, and that leads to good stuff happening," he said. Within this environment, known as "risky play," the teachers encourage the children to express themselves. The children are allowed to decide where their adventures will take them each day. This autonomy, coupled with the power of independent thinking, often leads to the most surprising and fruitful outcomes.

Reflecting on his experiences at EverWild, Terry harbored no specific expectations or goals upon entry. What he discovered was something far more profound. His experience at EverWild has brought him immeasurable joy and a deep sense of fulfillment. Terry has come to understand that his influence over these young lives isn't about imposing rules or directives; it's about leading by example. It's about demonstrating the power of connection and fostering an environment where individual growth and collective harmony go hand in hand.

Being part of EverWild Forest School isn't just a volunteer role for Terry; it's a journey of personal growth and shared experiences. It fills him with joy and aligns with his belief that we must reconnect with nature and each other. Your support can help EverWild continue this incredible journey of growth, learning, and interconnection. Together, you can nurture the next generation and create a brighter, more harmonious world. Join Terry and others in making a difference at EverWild Forest School today.


February Nature News


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